The house is little, but has a surprising amount of space for the things we brought and is not nearly as small as I originally imagined. There are definitely a few things we're not loving, but overall it's been perfect for our few months here.
While we're on the topic of homes, prayers would be greatly appreciated as we prepare to head back to NC at the end of May. Our original plan was to live on base, but when I called housing earlier this month I was told that it wouldn't be ready until the fall. And with the tornado that went through Jacksonville earlier this week, it may end up being longer. I'm a little afraid to call and find out. At any rate, we're really not wanting to move at the end of May, get our stuff out of storage, and then have to move again in the fall. So, we're considering renting a house out in town for the next few years or buying a home of our own. Pray for wisdom and direction. Pray that the Lord would be preparing a place for us. And not only a place of residence, but a church home as well.
And may we all find rest in knowing that the Lord is preparing a glorious everlasting home for us with him.
“My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”
John 14:2-3
So... a month later... this is so cute!!! I was going to say, "that doesn't look like all your stuff, Jaime!" Moving and the military can be complicated, I remember that when Jenne and Jacob were moving. I will definitely be keeping that stuff in our prayers. Any updates on that front?? Many hugs to you - and hoping we can come out and see you sometime when we get out to NC to see my sister!